Monday, July 27, 2009

Our Evening in the Angels' Dugout Suite

Kirk won 2 tickets to the Angels vs. Twins game last Thursday night. Here he is standing in front of a memorial for the Angel player who was killed in a car accident recently.
We were ushered to a private elevator and went down to the dugout suites! Here is the inside of suite #3. We had popcorn, and the most delicious BBQ chicken pizza. The fridge was full of drinks and ice. We even had our own lovely bathroom!
We went outside and up 3-4 stairs to our seats. There are only 12 seats per suite. We were there with 10 other Beckman employees who had also won tickets. Kirk was able to chat with them before the during the game. Of course, we wore our red shirts, and Kirk bought an Angels cap for a souvenir.
It was fun being close enough to see the coin toss and all of the pre-game activities.
The players warmed-up right to the left of us. It was interesting seeing them shadow the player at bat.
Kirk stuck the camera through the netting to get this shot with the dirt (is that the right word, sports fans?), stands and fans.
Here's a lefty batting.
I took this to show how we were exactly lined up with home plate and the first base line.
In the 10th inning the Angels won 6-5! Here is the jumbo tron showing the players congratulating each other.
We had a great time! We didn't realize how lucky we were til some die-hard Angel fans told us that it is their dream to sit in the dugout suites! oh my!

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