Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Cochlear Implant-Part III

Here's a picture of my surgeon, Eric P. Wilkinson M.D. Lynn Weber took me to my post-op appointment yesterday in Orange, CA. (Then we went our for a lovely lunch) The doctor said that my wound is healing well. The internal & external stitches dissolve on their own. He said there is blood behind my eardrum, which is normal. It will eventually work it's way out through my Eustachian tube. Kirk or Heather have to put salve on my scar twice a day for awhile. :-(
Yahoo, I got to take a shower & wash my hair today!!! Wow, that felt good. That is definitely a privilege that I take for granted!
I will now wait for 2 weeks to completely heal and to let the swelling go down. Then I will be fitted with the Sound Processor. Here is a link to the Mayo Clinic site that clearly explains how the CI works.

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