Saturday, October 10, 2009

Philip & Abby are Almost Finished!

Kirk, Heather & I went up to Philip & Abby's for a soup dinner & to see them in their studio apartment! It is so cute & efficient. The white shelves used to be in the former laundry room. The table/desk is Philip's drafting table that we gave him for a graduation gift; it wraps around the corner. They both use it for their computers. Philip hung the pot rack above the 2-burner stove.
This cable lighting system casts light just where it's needed.
Lovely lady on the lovely staircase
Upstairs they put their craftsman style bed up on matching blocks to give them under-the-bed space for all of their clothes, which are in bins.
Philip is still making a gate to go across the entrance to the staircase.
You can see the first part of the shelf that rests on the top of the banister.
Here are Heather & Abby serving up the soup.
All of their summer's hard work has paid off!


ShackelMom said...

impressive! It looks so cute and efficient!

Grandma Seelye said...

Amazing!!What talented grandkids we have!!Love you.

Aunt Robin said...

Great pictures! The apartment is so cute and well thought out.