Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Air Show-part 4 The Sea Wall, LaJolla, CA

After our crazy breakfast, we drove down to the ocean to watch the seals, seagulls and to walk out on the sea wall (another good idea of R& D's)
What a beautiful spot!
This sea wall juts out into the ocean. There was a constant stream of people like us, who wanted to see what it felt like to "stand in the ocean."
Here I am on it, with Kirk facing south.
Kirk at the end of the wall
After time we left, and drove toward home stopping for lunch at Pannikan's in Luecadia. It is in the old train station and is charming.
What a wonderful time we had together. :-)

1 comment:

Robin said...

Sorry it's taken so long to look at your San Diego report. I love the pictures and am glad you had such a good time. Nice!