Thursday, June 28, 2012

Kirk's Birthday

Philip made this really cool airplane wall-decor piece himself! It is the image of a B-17 that Jerry trained pilots in during WWII. Philip decopaged it onto distressed wood.

Cool, huh?

Look who's 3 months old!

Here Lee is in the rocker I inherited from my Grandmother. It is over 150 years old!

He is SO much fun! He chuckles, smiles, tries to talk and is a HUGE distraction! :)

After going out to Lucille's BBQ for dinner, we went to Jerry's to open cards.

Kirk unveiling the airplane


Robin said...

Wow! I love that airplane. What a thoughtful and interesting gift.

Amanda said...

The airplane looks like a wonderful gift. Love it! Lee is looking super cute! Wish I could hold him.

Grandma Seelye said...

Love that airplane!!