Sunday, April 15, 2012

Baby Lee & Me

So fun to go over & help out with Lee!
Here he fits on my legs, but I know he won't for long!
Snuggle-time with Grandma. :)
Isn't Lee tiny in the corner of Philip & Abby's loveseat?
I set out a few blankets & had fun taking a few photos today.
He is almost 3 weeks old here.
I got to give him a bottle & change him twice while Abby
rested & did things around the house.
Time for a change! He's 6 lb. 14 oz. here.


MommaMina said...

You are so good at Loving on HIM!
Thanks a lot Grandma dear.
Cute colored blanket backdrop..

Robin said...

Oh... he's growing. He is just a beautiful baby and you look like you're having lots of fun. So sweet!