Friday, September 7, 2012

Lotsa Birthday!

 After going out to eat, we went back to Grandpa Stevens' home &
 "the kids" went for a walk in his lovely neighborhood.
 Little Lee getting topped off
 Jeff's Bday is 9/4, Philip, 8/30 & I'm 8/31

 Cards & loot from Grandpa Stevens & each other
 Birthday loot from Kirk
 My Mom had us over for a homemade dinner. Here Philip & Abby are looking at Grandma's latest updated scrapbook. (The apple doesn't fall from the tree--does it?)
 Daddy barbecuing delicious ribs. YUM!
 Grandma with Lee
 Not too many ladies my age (except for my sisters) get a home cooked meal from Mom every birthday! (She is so amazing!) She made apple sauce from their apples & delicious carrot cake too!
 Grandpa having fun with Lee Boy
 Great-Grandma with #23
Mom offered for each of us girls to take something beautiful from her curio cabinet on our birthday. So I chose this hand-painted pitcher that belonged to Auntie Katherine, our Grandma's sister. I hope to hand it down to Heather some day. :)
I feel so blessed & celebrated!!


Grandma Seelye said...

Birthdays are so fun and they are good for you! Statistics show that people who have a lot of birthdays live longer!!

Great Aunt Gretchen said...

Funny how it works!!

Unknown said...

Looks like so much fun! So sweet that Grandma makes you dinner... And good grief-- that baby is SO CUTE!!

Robin said...

Oh, I'm so glad you had such a nice birthday! I'm so glad you got that beautiful pitcher... I remember mom using it, which is nice.