Thursday, February 2, 2012

A Special Gift from Greatmother

Back in 1984 Greatmother (my Grandmother Seelye) and her sister Anna Bell Taber (Auntie Bell) wrote this note to us:

Gretchen & Kirk,

In these "reclining" years we ruminate on life. God has been with us all the way, and we've constantly thanked Him for all of you. The sad days and tears have drawn us closer together.
The five grand children brought us great joy--four sweet girls [Luanne, Robin, Gretchen, Jeri Lynn], started by just one boy [Randy]. As these lovelies chose their mates our happiness increased. Five weddings to share, and guess what happened?
Babies came and our hearts o'er flowed for each. And here, today, we have our family complete. Fourteen great grands for Anna Bell and me! [Heather was yet to come]
We think ahead to all the years we won't be with you, and we want to leave our blessing on Lo! the Next Generation!! We've made blankets for you to lay away for your First Grandchild!!
Grandmother & Auntie Bell (Christmas 1984)

What a special gift & legacy! Heather read it for me, as I knew I would not make it through without crying. Not too many dry eyes on this one!


Grandma Seelye said...

Thank you Lord for this special gift from the past!!Such sweet memories of those dear ladies!

Unknown said...

Oh, this is so wonderful!

Abigail Joy Stevens said...

Hey Mom, for some reason your blog comes out as a bunch of symbols. Not sure why that's happening