Monday, September 7, 2009

Fishing at River's End

David & Kirk (with old friend Jeff Funk in the background) had a lovely day fishing at River's End in Long Beach Sunday after church.
You can see by the mossy rocks where we sat. This part was at low tide,
which made for a pretty setting.
Here is a bottle of STINKY bait!
Robin & I camped out on this rock and chatted away 4 hours; not hard when you have lots of catch up on! :-)
Kirk & David relaxing before we closed-up shop.
Here we are laughing inside the River's End Cafe.
My hair was a complete mess from the wind.


ShackelMom said...

Sounds like the perfect day off! Wish we could have been there!

Robin said...

That was fun! Glad we did it... even if we did have to use disgusting bathrooms... at least there WERE restrooms.

David Cox said...

Tonight before bedtime I am cruising through the families blogs. Sure glad I stopped by yours. What great pictures allowing us to celebrate a bit with you and yours. Great pics of the shore too. Thanks. Brother-in-law, David