Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Resurrection Day!

Here are David, Jerry & Kirk practicing with the BB gun.
Here are all of the "Easter-egg Hunters" showing off their loot.
Fred Taylor (Abby's dad), Jerry, Mom & Dad. Kirk & I sat with them to eat our ham dinner. Everyone brought delicious side dishes & desserts!
Robin, David, Gretchen, Chris, Jane (from Taiwan) & Mina. Anders was taking his nap, so Gretchen & Chris had a relaxing meal :-)
Heather, Jeff, Natalie (from Malta), Luke, Philip, Abby & Jessica Taylor.
(Sorry Jeff & Philip for the bad pic)
In our Easter duds
We are so grateful for our family & friends. On this Easter Day, we paused to thank Jesus for his sacrificial death and resurrection, so we too can be resurrected! Hallelujah!
He is Risen!


Grandma Seelye said...

He is risen indeed!! What a lovely day we had at your home! Fellowship was sweet,food was delicious.Thanks so much!Love mom

Gretchen said...

What a fun evening! Thank you again for hosting such a lovely party. =0) We all enjoyed catching up with family and spending such quality time together.

Anonymous said...

So fun to see! Thanks for posting these! I was thinking about y'all and wondering what the fam was doing for Easter!
