Monday, February 23, 2009

The Long Process of Getting a Cochlear Implant

In September, '08 I started the process of finding out if I am a cochlear implant candidate. I began with tests from a local audiologist and then waited for 2 months for a correct referral
(the first one was to an eye clinic!).
On January 19, Mina Taylor, Abigail, Luanne and I went on an outing to Los Angeles. Here I am standing next to a 30" ear model inside the House Ear Clinic. I met my doctor and began the preliminary tests and paperwork. Because I have an HMO for insurance, there are multiple "hoops to jump through."
After the appointment ( Luanne went in with me :-)) we went to Olvera Street for a yummy Mexican food lunch. This lady is making our tortillas by hand. Mina & Luanne each bought a dozen tamales to take home.
Here we are having our delicious lunch.
We went around for a tour and stopped at the Bradley Building. It was built in the late 1800's and has beautiful architecture.
Today, February 23, Luanne and I went again. This time I went through a 90 minute series of hearing tests. I HATE those!!! I always cry, but this time I ended up sobbing my way through them. :-( It's so incredibly frustrating to know I'm not hearing the words I'm supposed to repeat. But the good news is: my hearing is so lousy,
I am now a cochlear implant candidate!
Kirk & I will go back in 2 days for a 2-hour consultation about the surgery and talk to the doctor again. I'm hoping to have the "skull base surgery" in June after school gets out. I'll keep you posted.


Gretchen said...

Aunt G, I am SO happy to hear you are a canadate! This will be an amazing step in your life. =0) I'm glad you're keeping us posted.

Robin said...

Thanks so much for the post. I'm so sorry you had to sob your way through the test... You manage so well with the hearing you have that it's not obvious you have a hearing loss! The test puts it all in black and white. Praise God you're a candidate. :-)

Anonymous said...

Aunt G, I've been wondering how this was all working out! Thanks for the update. I am so happy for you that you can have the implant!! You do manage so well that no one would know that you have that much hearing loss. How wonderful it will be to hear well!


Unknown said...

So happy for you! This will make such a huge difference in almost every area of your life. Wonderful.