Sunday, August 3, 2008

Two Wonderful Weeks in Hawaii -Part 1 Hana (Ala aina Ocean Vista B&B)

There are so many waterfalls near Hana. This is one of the tallest in the area.

Kirk cut off the end of a coconut with a dull saw (!) and we drank the sweet milk with a straw.
A brief downpour brought our dinner inside to eat from the tray on our bed. We played Yahtzee and read in the evenings. It was so relaxing and romantic.
Here's another view from our deck. The mother-daughter team who run the B&B own 7 acres that were part of a banana plantation. They are off the electricity grid and are solar and propane powered.
Here's part of the view from our deck/lanai. We had an outdoor kitchen and table where we ate breakfast and dinner. We picked up tree ripened mangoes and bananas from the property to eat daily.
Here is the King size bed at our B&B ten miles beyond Hana. Each morning we awoke to a light rain and the birds trilling in the trees. The B&B has only one room, so we were the only ones there. It was so quiet! Only rain, winds in the mango trees, frogs at night and birds could be heard.
We picked up delicious smoked tacos here at "Up in Smoke BBQ". They were delicious!
Here we are in the Garden of Eden on the road to Hana. The road has 613 curves and 57 bridges. It takes about 3-4 hours to traverse. I rented Kirk a Sebring convertible for this part of the trip. It was so fun to have the roof down while traveling this beautiful road- one of the most scenic in America!

1 comment:

abuelo said...

What a lovely area. We traveled through it several years ago. At the Garden of Eden, a crazy thing. This old and scraggly man stuck his head in the window talking price. For no reason I can ever think of, I answered the man in Spanish,saying it was way too much and I offered less. He came right back in perfect Spanish saying it was a deal!! Turns out he was a Mennonite who had been raised in Mexico. It was a fun time in Hawaii. Poppa