Tuesday, November 6, 2007

My first class

All Distance Learning students at Liberty University must take the Christian Worldviews class for Philosophy credits. My lecturer and author of our workbook is Ergun Mehmet Caner. He is a Turkish, Sunni, former Muslim. He is the dean at Liberty Seminary! The class is a beginning apologetics class. This week's lesson is about Hinduism. I'm really learning a lot! I've gotten B's on the first 2 quizzes with the mid-term this week. Each lesson shares how we, as Christians, can share our faith respectfully, showing love, knowing that the Bible is truth.
He has also written a book called Unveiling Islam which won the Gold Medallion Award from the ECPA. You might want to get it. He converted to Christianity in 1982 and was disowned by his family. His brother is also a believer and is a professor at S.W. Baptist Theo. Seminary.
Because of my bad hearing (moderate to severe in my right ear and severe to profound in my left ear) I can't hear the lectures via the computer. LU sent me the transcripts of the lectures, so I am reading those instead.
I'll report back about the class after I write my first paper. :-)


ShackelMom said...

Sounds really good! I am so gald they were able to send you the transscripts, that should help a lot! I am 3/4 through my Bible Study Methods, using Howard Hendricks book, which is really good.

Gretchen said...

Hi Aunt G! I found your blog finally and now it's marked in my "favorites" list. =0)
Refering back to our conversation earlier today. I googled "is Barack Obama a Muslim?". The first web site that popped up was Snopes. They pretty much de-bunked everything written about him being a Muslim let alone a radical Muslim. It's interesting and I'm glad to have found some good info and I will continue to research!! Thanks for getting me to think! =)